SMART THERMOSTAT Sometimes we don’t want to stand up from our sofas and want to just use

the whole use with one button being sitting.

This was impossible in the past, but these days with the introduction of THERMOSTAT smart home technology.

Now, you can do anything you want in your home with the use of app from your phone.

Many intelligent devices are launched in the world including the smart speakers which will work with just your voice.

The voices will activate them and you can ask to check the weather or play this song or even play a joke for you.

I mean what more do you want when these technologies are in your hand and can abide by any instruction

you give to them.

Some of these devices also have the thermostat which will sound a lie but really, there are

smart thermostats

which will allow you to operate on your phone even if you are not present at home.


You can use the smart thermostat before your arrival to the house and it will cool/heat up

the house till you come.

How amazing that is, especially when you are bringing your relatives or people who are prone to cold.

Just imagining that, is making me feel joy and want to install that in my house as soon as possible.

I am not much familiar with it and for that reason, I researched that, there are special people of

professionals in the field you will work for me and will guide me towards this technology.

Smart home automation is their niche and if you are also looking for it then these are the people

you should go for.

They will not only guide you toward the Best thermostat but also ill give you the rates which are not high.

This technology is not something anybody can understand though it seems simple.

This smart home automation is the need of time and that is why the professionals are there to

guide the people.

before their expensive device being ignorant about it.

After installing these devices you will realize how effective these smart devices are and

almost making us feel that we are in the future with robots roaming around us




Everyone is seeking for LUXURY LIFE OF DUBAI and charms to fresh up their mind. They always roam around the world to search for most affectionate things. It is estimated since 2010 Dubai has a tremendous lifestyle. Each individual wants to visit Dubai to spend their weekend. Why is that so? What is in Dubai that opens the eyes of people? Most of the foreigners say:

Tourism in Dubai

Dubai has been walking a fine line by being all things to all people. Said Valerie Grove Dubai is the capital of billionaires. They derive their wealth from many resources such as food and beverages. Many tourists from all around the world came to innovate their business over here and gain a number of profits. It’s quite easy to begin a short project from a imitative expense. In addition, Dubai is wiping off from inflation.There is no poverty in Dubai. All age levels are hired for any kind of job and they seek no deprive in their occupation.

Entertainment Dubai

Due to this ratio of poverty tends to zero and competition market becomes high. As part of entertainment Dubai is the best place for kids Families visit for long-term plans.They find safe and secure over here there are activities readily available to suit every interest and budget, from sunny beach picnics and stunning public parks to themed play areas and sailing lessons. One of the best is Dubai Mall, where you can find a lot of entertainment and juggles.

Burj Khalifa

Your first visit will give you the addiction. Moreover, Dubai fountain Mall is set on 30 acres of Burj Khalifa and water jets on 500 ft. Dubai Aquarium you can enjoy the different underwater creatures. You can dive, swim and juggle with the sea species. Children enjoy the show of shark feeding, ray feeding also. When the word cleanliness arrives it gives the example of Dubai. The ecological system will always remain same whether there is the increment in the population ratio. A lack of water resources changes according to the natural landscape.

Climatic Season

Discussion about the climatic season, Mostly Dubai have summers that’s weather is quite warm and sunny and people enjoy sun baths and picnics over here especially in Bermuda beach. As regards to tech and science perspectives, Dubai is full of automatons starts from shops till companies, policeman, metro all are using the latest technology. Time by timing its upgrading up to the market strategies.

Wild Life

Cheetahs, Lions, and tigers are infamously part of UAE and the main core is Dubai. Some of them showcased their cheetahs and tigers instead of ambitious cars. Move forward to this Dubai consists of skyscrapers up to 163 skyscrapers, enlarged villas, and buildings.

Better Homes

Dubai ranking comes in one of the best oil productivity in the world. Pearl jewelry from the Persian Gulf is highly appreciated and extremely valued. This country is free from gambling and alcohol. you have to buy a legal license before using it.

سمارت هوم

سمارت هوم

سمارت هوم هو أي منزل يشتمل على أدوات إنترنت الأشياء (IoT)

المحوسبة والمرتبطة بالتطبيقات متعددة الاستخدامات. باستخدام أدوات إنترنت الأشياء هذه ، يمكن للعملاء التعامل مع أشياء مختلفة في منازلهم من الأضواء إلى أطر الأمان إلى الأجهزة.

تخيل سيناريو يمكن أن يتفاعل  فيه كل جهاز  من االأجهزه الذكية في منزلك  مع االانترنت . ليس فقط أجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف المحمولة ، ولكن كل شيء: الساعات ، والسماعات ، والأضواء ، وأجراس الأبواب ، والكاميرات ، والنوافذ ، وستائر النوافذ ، و السخانات ، وأدوات الطبخ ، وما إلى ذلك. تخيل أيضًا سيناريو حيث يمكن لكل هذه الأدوات أن تتحكم فيه بضغطة زر.

انه ليس خيال علمي. إنها إنترنت الاشياء

.التحكم الذكي بالمنزل يشمل جميع أنحاء المنزل مثلا ستاير  النوافذ إلى مغذيات الحيوانات الأليفة – بضغطة مباشرة  (أو تحكم صوتي)

سمارت هوم هي التي توفر لأصحاب المنازل الراحة والأمان وكفاءة الطاقة (تكاليف التشغيل المنخفضة) والراحة في جميع الأوقات ، بغض النظر عما إذا كان أي شخص في المنزل. “أنظمة  أتمتة المنزل الذكي” هو المصطلح الشائع استخدامه لتعريف المسكن الذي يتضمن على أجهزة التحكم ب ، وإضاءة ، وتدفئة ، وتكييف هواء ، وأجهزة تلفزيون ، وأجهزة كمبيوتر ، وأنظمة صوت والفيديو الترفيهية ، وأمن ، وأنظمة كاميرات ، بالإضافة إلى أدوات تحكم في النافورة والمسبح قادرة للتواصل مع بعضهم البعض ويمكن التحكم فيها عن بعد من خلال وقت  زمني ، من أي غرفة في المنزل ، وكذلك عن بُعد من أي مكان في العالم عن طريق الهاتف أو الإنترنت

يمنح تركيب أنظمة أتمتة المنزل الذكي للمنزل وشاغليه وتوفير مزايا مختلفة ، وهي نفس الفوائد التي جلبتها لنا التكنولوجيا والحوسبة الشخصية على مدار 18 عامًا أو أكثر ، والراحة وتوفير الوقت والمال والطاقة.

التحكم الذكي بالمنزل او المكتب

ينطبق نفس المفهوم على المباني التجارية بما في ذلك المكاتب والمطاعم والفنادق حيث يمكن للمالك ، بالإضافة إلى الراحة ، تحقيق توفير كبير في الطاقة باستخدام نظام التحكم الآلي لتعتيم الإضاءة أثناء النهار ، والتحكم في الإضاءة والتكييف والستائر القائمة على الإشغال.

يمكن للمنزل الذكي أو المكتب أو المبنى المصمم بشكل صحيح أن يمنح المالك مردودًا من خلال توفير الطاقة في 3 إلى 5 سنوات ، مما يجعله استثمارًا مفيدًا.

نستخدم أحدث التقنيات اللاسلكية (ترددات الراديو RF ، Z-wave ، Zigbee) ، والتقنيات السلكية بما في ذلك KNX التي تضمن التشغيل الموثوق به والراحة للمستخدم ، ولدينا العديد من المنازل والمكاتب الذكية التشغيلية في دبي والإمارات الأخرى في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.




Smart  Automation Solutions we wish to have that everything will be controlled by a single button.

We desire that we just order and it has been fulfilled. Aspire to live like superheroes.

We hunger the whole kit will be controlled by remote. Crave to seated oneself as an idle and

every work was done by the tech. So Wipe out from desires and comes into reality as there are many things

you can access by a single button. There is much technology that can fulfill your structure by a distinct call.

Times are gone when you have to wait for hours to watch your favorite show. Time are gone when to reach your TV remote.

Hard to wash your dishes, hang fire for food to becomes hot. Now it’s unchallenged to maintain.

Science reaches from the 20th century to 21st and more on to 22nd era.

Innovations are getting position day by day with new technology. Home IOT,

wireless controlling (Bluetooth/WiFi controlling) are activating on daily to ease the

potential lives of people. Smart bulb lamp to smart stove makes your lives easier and comfortable.

Just by one click or call you can access it within a second.

Smart  Automation Solutions

Far more this robot with Lego and Arduino technology devices are working your labor and

entertaining your fun and games. Smart Door Locks are there for safety and security. NO panic of your home,

the automated system of door locks will keep your home safe and secure, and moreover, you can look over your house from surveillance cameras.
Hurry to drive to school, Late for offices, Now Smart Automation Solutions is there to help you out to

reach your destination on time. its helps you to provide the route of least traffic roads and time

manage to acquire the desired destination.
Difficult to go from one room to another to turn off the appliances so why don’t

you use Control Panel automated system that from a single room you can switch off all the home appliances.

Beside IOT, Software’s are to upgraded to play you in the unique criteria. It’s easy to play

and pause the scenes in the middle of the video. Not more than that you can record the

videos and scenes and share with your friends and families. Connectivity has been gone

to server less, Bridge your friends through video calling and share them anything through social.

Life becomes like superheroes but a person should not be superheroes for himself it

should be a mentor for the whole ecosystem.

Automation Solutions Company

So Alayoubi Technologies gives you an

opportunity to save the incidents and share it with the public. Drones, automated system

provide you the treatment of the immediate incidents.
Many software’s are there that connects you the hospitals international and local to provide

the immediate cure to patients. Counseling apps are given to engage the students and professional

to show their career path.

“Besides black art, there is only automation and mechanization”

There are many services providing these IOT, latest technology services Like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba etc.
Hence All. IOT, Technology, Innovation are changing the lifestyles of every being, giving them the

power of superheroes. But it’s upon our fingers what to catch up and what to throw back to trash.




Using TIME ATTENDANCE SYSTEMS, The importance of education cannot be undermined.

When you send your child to school, you are putting your trust in that school and its staff.

After you, your child spends the most time with his/ her teachers at the school.

Teachers have a big responsibility as they not only have to educate your children but have to be a

role model for them too. Punctuality and taking up responsibility are two things that your child learns

from his/her teachers.

Time is of the essence, not only in the school but in practical life as well.

Punctuality is the key to success and if you are punctual, you are surely going to be successful in life!

Over the past few years, many schools have installed an automated time attendance systems to ensure

the staff punctuality and ease up on the manual process of registering time in and time out for everyone.


Automated time and attendance system allow the staff to clock in and clock out electronically through

time clocks, internet-connected computers, phones and even tablets.

This data is then transferred into a software that imports it into the payroll solution. This way, the school

administration has a clear picture of who is working, who isn’t working, who is punctual and even who is due

for an over-time.

There is less paperwork, as everything is done online!



Since the staff has to clock in and clock out electronically, chances of foul play or messing up the

time are none to zero.

  • The information is immediately relayed to the school administration and informs them about

whoever has clocked in or clocked out.

  • Since this is an electronic system, there is no related paperwork. All the information is stored online and

can be retrieved by the administration, when and wherever they want.

  • There is no manual processing and chances of error are less. No paperwork means no hassle!

one-time investment that pays off for many years to come. Consider the manual process of registering

staff attendance.

Automated Time and Attendance Systems

  • You will need someone to monitor the register and there will be paperwork. In short, manual processing

is going to cost you more than an automated attendance system. All you need is a high-quality

software and you are done!

  • A high-quality attendance software lets you integrate and calculate the financial aspects of your

employees without going through it manually. Chances of error are less, as calculations are made

automatically depending on the attendance.

  • Working overtime can be frustrating but it comes with its own share of rewards.
  • An automated system removes the hassle of manually calculating the overtime of employees and

this is actually very beneficial if you have employees who work for a different time duration at a

different pay scale.

Automated Time and Attendance Systems are must in schools, as they ensure punctuality and good

time management among the staff!




A home theater can be as basic as a couple of AV gadgets in your lounge or as mind blowing as a totally redesigned lounge intended to resemble – Hollywood’s El Capitan Theater.

The setup for home theater should be in a manner that gives life to your movies and produce a sound effect of great quality.
To do so, here are the basic and easy to step on how to set up a home theater.


A fast acoustical test: applaud.
Do you hear “ringing” a short time later? This means that your room is lively which can have a bad impact on the sound system of home theater.

Want to know about theater?  ⇒ >> Home Theater with Supersonic Sound System Design by ALAYOUBI

You can complete a couple of things to help:

  • If you have a wooden floor, lay some rugs and mat before the speakers
  • Close the window hangings when you’re watching or tuning in.
  • Do not keep the bookshelves empty. Books will help with the reflection of sound waves
  • Set up an unmistakable viewable pathway from speakers to your seats.
  • Have a few people over. Physically, we’re awesome safeguards.


Back to days, there were plasma TVs similar to those offered by Panasonic and Pioneer, to get the best home theater experience – that is, the most profound dark level and most astounding differentiation proportion to make a rich picture in a dull, theater-like condition. But now, plasma TVs are no longer in use.

New progress and innovations have been made and LED screens are now used for daily and home theater purpose. These are available in many sizes to fit your need and give a contrasting and good quality picture accordingly.

The other main point is that, which size is best for the setup of home theater.


You need a screen that is big enough to enjoy, and sufficiently little to be sharp and clear.

There is an equation that helps you to estimate the correct size of the screen. Measure the separation of the screen to the fundamental seat, in inches. Duplicate that by .84 and you’ll get a corner to corner screen estimate (Distance x 0.84 = Screen Size). For example:
Your seat distance is 72 inches from the screen, the calculation would resemble this: 72 x .84 = 60.4. So the most extreme suggested screen is 60 inches. Obviously, you can go bigger. It’s extremely individual decision. Simply make sure that you don’t need to move your head forward and backward to stay aware of the activity on the screen.


The other principal component that is very important for the home theatre is the sound system, in which sound components come at you from all quadrants of the room.

See our previous article on the same topic ⇒>> PURCHASING GUIDE TO STEREOS & AUDIO SYSTEMS

At home, the most fundamental sound system of speakers comprises o.1 channels. The “5” remains for speakers in the front left, focus, and front right, back right, and back left positions, while the “.1” has a place with a sub woofer.

Some home theater installers prescribe the utilization of various sub woofers to help convey smoother bass reaction over a more extensive listening region. It’s likewise prevalent to run with a seven-channel speaker framework, which utilizes two side-channel and two back channel speakers for high sounds.


The last and important thing is the lightening of the room. Bright lights make the theater look like an ordinary room. Install dull led and smart lights for the home theater.
This is a complete guide on how to install a home theater setup.

Still confuse?  ⇒ You can choose ALAYOUBI to install all of these smart products.




A complete stereos audio systems has several components including speakers, an audio source etc, along with the listening room. Whether you are a novice or an experienced individual with lots of information about audio systems, their technicalities and how they work, this overview would be of help to you as it covers a great deal of information about good stereos audio systems and how to get the best sound out of your system.


The acoustics of your listening room is the foundation of your audio system and how well your system ultimately sounds.

Having a good listening room is as important as having good speakers with all the necessary components.

Speaker placement optimization, the position of listening and buying treatments for your room acoustics

are the best way of getting the most out of your system’s performance.


Stereo speakers are used to determining your system’s overall sound quality more than any other component

of your audio system. When it comes to choosing what speaker to buy, you have numerous choices as speakers

come in all sizes, shapes, and prices. Getting the best sound is a very personal and crucial decision so it is

recommended that you try out several different models before opting for the perfect one.


The components for an audio system are available in a wide variety of types and prices. You can find separate

components, integrated amplifiers or even pre-packaged systems, in the market. The one you choose to buy

depends on your budget and your listening preferences.


A source component is the most primary component of the audio reproduction chain and is equally important

as the speakers. These source components can be analog or digital, a digital source component can be

CD or DVD players while an analog source component’s best example is the tape player.


Thanks to the multi room audio systems, music can now be heard in any room of the house and even outdoors.

These systems are as simple as using the speaker switch on your receiver to using remote controls to

operate the system in the entire house, in the more sophisticated models.


Accessories allow you to bring the most out of your stereo systems. Even using premium speaker wires can

enhance the sound quality and hence your listening experience. Speaker stands can be used to mount the

speakers at higher levels so the sound surrounds the entire room, more effectively.


Apart from the basics, there are advanced audio topics which cover new technologies which make it easier to

have music throughout your home, automatic room equalization systems that can fix your typical room acoustic

problems, best ways of maximizing audio performance and choosing the best type of surround speakers.

All these different categories of audio-system enhancements play vital roles in making the sound experience

for the listener more personalized and enjoyable. And thanks to the daily technological advancements,

it just keeps getting better.




CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, Many of us are concerned that what is happening in the world with security breaches on the high, and people

getting lost of their assets due to some lack of security. But, this problem also has directed us towards the things

we can do to counter that. We could use the CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM and then work on that.
This is basically the camera installation in the house or the property which you want to secure and want to see

continuously on your tv which you have connected to that. This is one of the most common security actions done

in the buildings including offices but, it is not something which anyone can do. There are companies in which are

giving the services for CCTV SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM in your house.
They will guide on the best devices and camera you should use for your purpose and also in the price tag you will

not feel skeptic about. CCTV security is something you should go for as the banks do it. This is the era of the

21st century and many people consider that we will not be able to stand in this place forever to view the footage.

Home Automation in Dubai

I will ask them to go for smart home automation in Dubai who have expertise in these fields and will help you to

choose the device which will not only give you the option of surveillance but that which is remote like, you can see the

footage from that security even if you are in some other city.
This security system is smart enough, so much so that it will intimate the cops as soon as it sees some invited person.

This security system comes in varied price tags and technology. This is why the professionals are there to help

and guide you along the way.

Stay Notified

If you are a business owner or just someone who is concerned about security, let us lift this burden off your shoulders. With our CCTV system, you can constantly keep a check on everything that is happening where the cameras are installed. With Alayoubi solutions, the HD CCTV camera won’t just continuously monitor everything, but it will also record every moment.

A Reliable Security System

Keep your property guarded every second of the day with our CCTV systems. The security cameras with a high-resolution guarantee that you’ll be aware of the situation at all moments. Whether it’s morning or evening, with Alayoubi home security systems, the safety of your loved ones is taken care of. No theft or loss can take place in the face of video surveillance that shows you everything.

Keep your Customers Secure

We understand that every business wants its customers to feel secure. That’s our target as well. With a wireless IP camera, your clients would know they are in a safe place where their protection is prioritized. A CCTV monitor would make them know that immediate action would be taken if something unusual is detected.

Safe and Smart Living

Your home is your safe zone. With Alayoubi, no intruder can cause trouble to you because a security camera system would be keeping an eye on everything. The HD CCTV camera gives you a live view of your property so that you may be alerted in case of emergency.

Stable Connectivity

You can see via the camera everything on your smartphone, TV, tablet or laptop. With Alayoubi, there’s no such thing as distance. Because no matter where you are the connectivity between the surveillance camera and your device remains stable. We help you keep track of stuff even when you are miles away.

CCTV Solutions

Ours are the best home security cameras. We provide you with the latest tech of CCTV in Dubai. With us, you can depend on apps and email alerts to keep you informed. You can even upgrade your current system with updated tech. Our broad range of products in this regard are the following;

  • Security surveillance system with IP cameras
  • CMOS images sensor
  • Video surveillance system
  • Decoding and playing rate control IP
  • Server version that supports public network visiting and device management
  • Sharp and detailed HD imagery
  • Wi-Fi security camera
  • Analog Security System
  • HD Security System
  • CCTV installation in Dubai



SMART DOOR LOCK, Alayoubi Technologies have far-reaching effects in delivering technologically innovative and highly

automated products SMART DOOR LOCK regarding surveillance and security.

The products regarding security include door locks that have a sophisticated design and multi-dimensional functions

from SMART DOOR LOCK of ADDI and FLEX brands which is a nod to company’s sheer professionalism and quality

assured products that they provide to their clients.

Since 2003, Alayoubi Technologies has:

  • Combined expertise, dedicated efforts and a reasonable price to provide the products regarding door locks that are no match to the competitors.
  • The delivery and installments of door locks are always on time gave that they have the best experience.
  • Strives to provide its clients with the highest quality laden innovative products regarding security.
  • Maintained their professional standard by keeping a communicative daily schedule.

Throughout the globe, people are making the security of their close possessions and assets the prime concern and in

order to cater to such need, Alayoubi technologies have brought forth Bio metrics and Iris control smart lock systems.

Therefore, their smart lock product fulfills these three kinds of functions:

  • Fingerprint/ bio metric scanner
  • Digital code
  • Iris scanner

So let us explore some of the door locks products from Flex and see why they are the best choice for enhancing the

security of the smart home. These products are given by Flex Company in the market. They function under an integrated

unified software that combines all the benefits of wired door security and access control solutions.


This Bio metric door access control unit attaches to the network and measures a person’s unique physiological characteristics. It has a stylistic and econometric design which ensures a cent percent hygiene and is contact less.

The smart device caters to multi identification methods based on facial recognition, digital scanner, pin code or Radio frequency identification which is optional with 19 modes. So the users can opt from these four choices;

Digital and facial, Facial and Pin code, Digital only or facial only.

Through the 3D technology for facial recognition, the inner camera of the Multi bio metric facial reader captures the relative position, size, and shape of eyes, nose, cheekbones, and jaws. In this way, the person’s identification is certified by the previous bio metric template that has been recorded.

The capacity of a Multi bio metric facial reader for the face is 500 (1: N) and 1000 for RFID ( optional) and 2000 for digital.
This device has memory for 100,000 events and has a stand-alone network.

The physical design of the Multi bio metric facial reader comprises a touchscreen LCD with a thin film transistor liquid

crystal display which uses a TFT technology for improved and best resolution images.

Multi bio metric facial reader

With an anti-theft and anti-vandalism alarm, the Multi bio metric facial reader FX has 50 shifts, 99 groups, and 10 combination accesses.

The built-in infra-red sensor in the device can sense any outside activity or characteristics of the surrounding by emitting infra-red radiation and it is best as it allows identification even in darker environments.

Multi toner buzzer is an inbuilt feature. There is a switching button present between facial bio-metrics and Digital recognition.

It also has a built in the relay which is activated by the current in one circuit to open and close another circuit for a direct electric strike. That’s why it allows dry contact. It also has a door open button input and door sensor output.


  • The discreet and elegant design offers an optical sensor for 500 templates and outlines.
  • It is capable of securing memory for 30,000 events.
  • Operates on the basis of stand-alone and requires no connection to any local area network of its working.
  • Allows either digital identification or Digital and radio frequency identification.
  • Furthermore, three radio frequency identification key chains are also included as an accessory with the device.
  • It is a simple LCD with a back light.
  • The buzzer in the device has multiple tones.


  • The menu and instructions are given in the Portuguese language in the device.
  • It also has a built-in relay which is activated by the current in one circuit to open and close another circuit for a direct electric strike. That’s why it allows dry contact.
  • There is a interface of 26 bits in the Bio-metric Reader FXBIO-F6, which is used to connect the card swipe mechanism to the rest of the access control of this door lock system.
  • The alarm output is for prompt awareness regarding of any slight kind of outside intrusion by force.
  • Feature for accessing data through a secure digital (SD) card reader is an inbuilt facility.
  • Finger sensor in this Bio-metric Reader FXBIO-F6 has an innovative sensor such as even without placing the finger on the keyboard of the sensor, this sensor can detect the user’s fingerprints.
  • The controlled software is included so that access control per user adjust as per requirement.
  • The dimensions of Bio-metric Reader FXBIO-F6 is 68 x 155 x 38 mm ideal for a door lock insertion.
  • An Ac adapter of 1 amperage and 12 V is included with the device.
  • Installation Bracket for single J-Box 4 x 2 is also added.


With easy access log and easy mounting, the Z- wave native design is best suited for an easy to use door lock purpose (Model: Flex Lock V3).

  • It has Bluetooth 4.0 BLE and a battery of 123 amperage’s. The average life span of the battery is 9000 cycles.
  • It has an indicative LED and the owner app to configure and activate through Bluetooth.
  • The access is manual so the slight turn off the handle can cause the door to lock and unlock.
  • Through email, there is a shared access to use the Z-wave door lock.


The working behind the smart door locks pays credit to the ADDI brand which has given such technology in the market.
Ad-1021 smart lock door has an exterior lock size with dimensions ( 324 x 80 x 79 mm) and the interior lock size dimensions ( 224 x 80 x 70 mm). This smart door lock is applicable on wooden and metal door type.

The key capacity is through the card ( password 70 ) and fingerprint.

The operating voltage is 6V and has a reserving power of 9 V.

Door Locks Model:

  1. AD-1021
  2. AD-1022
  3. AD-1023
  4. AD-1024
  5. AD-1025

How does the smart lock work?

  • Password lock
  • IC card unlocking
  • Fingerprint lock
  • Remote control
  • Unlock mobile sensors
  • Face unlock
  • App remote management
  • Network box

Note: This post is brought to you by ALAYOUBI Team (Alayoubians). All research, written, blog & reviews on Smart Home Automation industry are posted by Alayoubians, you can follow us @ALAYOUBIANS on Instagram.




Ever thought of making the outdoor with lights with sensors of your home smart or its security system efficient.

You will be thinking that how to use the light system of it automated. Why not, it is really simple and very effective.

Don’t worry if you do not understand that this does. These are the lights you have in your

garage or garden outside.

You used them as light for the area but also it is used to track or inform the owners if

something uninvitedcomes there and you can be alert to call the cops.

The simplest way the lights work is by checking the heat of human if that is present in the area

where it is sensing.

You can install it if you are concerned about of intruders and want to secure the house with

some smart devices which are not easy to detect by normal laymen eye.

They are smartly made lights so they can give lights and be sensors for intruders at same time but be

careful regarding them because it has been shown that even by sensing something which sends

equal or similar type of heat to the sensors and makes it make the alarm which automatically

sends the signal to cops to come for help.

Smart Home Automation

It has been used by lots of people in the area and if you are not familiar with it then, nothing

to worry because there are companies’ who are working efficiently in this regard.

If you are looking for installing it in your housefor the security of your house and family

then, I will guide you to not wait and just go with the decisionas this the need of time.

Smart home automation is the new innovation in the world and the professionals

in the field are making our life soeasy by these smart devices which are making our

whole life futuristic.

These lights are mostly used in the area outside the smart home but if there is

any place where you are theskeptic of intrusion then you can install it there too

but be sure that no humans are allowed there or it might sound alarmed again and again

along making your life miserable than secured.